Essential factors to be considered while choosing UILabel and UITextView to display text for iOS, iPadOS and macOS apps.

Choosing between UILabel and UITextView starts when you want to display text in your Apple iOS, iPadOS or macOS Catalyst App. I have even gone through the process of choosing UILabel or UITextView to display text on my app. So, I have made a small numbered list to help you choose the right option… Choose …

Show/hide the navigation bar on a particular view without disturbing the navigation bar hierarchy in iOS/iPadOS app.

Sometimes, you want to hide the Navigation Bar from a particular view without manually deleting it from Main.storyboard, So, I have documented how to do it programmatically instead. Step 01:Copy the following code to your ViewController’s Swift file’s ‘viewWillAppear’ method for which view you want to hide the Navigation Bar on its load on your …

Programmatically add Fab (Floating Action Button) Button to iPhone, iPad and Mac App.

When Google released the Material Design Guidelines, they introduced many new design elements, including the Fabeingutton, a Floating Action Button. Normally, we see the Fab button in Android Mobile Apps, but many Apple iPhone, iPad, and Mac App Developers have started using it in their designs. Here, we will see how to programmatically add the …

User Privacy & Data Protection Standards in new Apple iPhone, iPad and Mac Operating Systems

I had been planning for a long time but never implemented Google Analytics for my Apple iOS Apps to get accurate data about my app usage. I thought it was more work to implement analytics in the app with a framework using cocoa-pods, which would, in a way, slow down my app performance. But with …

Using iCloud features to sync iPhone messages with Mac.

Prerequisites: Once the above prerequisites are met, we can proceed further… Note: You can autofill security codes from your iPhone to Safari on Mac. This is Safari’s only feature. To set up Text Message Forwarding on your iPhone, follow the below steps:

Using SKStoreReviewController API to prompt users to write reviews for your App.

Introduction to StoreKit and Apple App Store policies I will write down a few concepts & ideas to help you understand how to implement StoreKit app review functionality in your app using Xcode. Important Points to Remember You can ask your users to rate your app on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Users …

Managing Apple ID for your Apple Devices for Maximum Online Security & Peace of Mind. Manage your Apple ID & Communication preferences with minor tweaks & changes.

Nowadays, every other person we meet on the street has a smartphone, tablet, or phablet, and we all have laptops in our bags and desktop computers at home and in the office. So, data security between devices is a big issue now. Let’s see: For Apple Products users in the Apple iOS and OSX ecosystem, …

How to Delete & Deactivate Apple ID, Here is the Answer

It is a general assumption that you can’t delete your Apple ID. Even if you send support or help requests to the Apple Support team, they will say that… But here is a way out of this goof-up. First step is to gather all required information to varify your account in one place.. First is …