How to open an Apple macOS app from an unidentified developer.

If you are like mine, use safe macOS default settings to allow the system to run & open apps only from third-party Identified App Developers. You may face a problem with something like this. Your Mac’s Security & Privacy preferences will not allow you to open the app from an unidentified macOS App Developer. If …

Fix Xcode error ‘Unable to boot iOS Simulator’

Background: Xcode is a one-stop development app for OSX and iOS devices, including all Macintosh Desktops, laptops, iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch. Note: I Assume you are on OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 or the Latest Operating System & Xcode 6 or later installed. With the release of Xcode 6 and later, while developing and running your …

Fix the Xcode Storyboard error. The ‘Frame for “Text View” will be different at run time.’

The Xcode error called ‘Frame for “Text View” will be different at run time.’ is frequent when you are trying to utilise Auto Layout by using reset to suggested constraints in Xcode Storyboard. So here is how to fix it: Step 01:Above Debug: In your Xcode Storyboard view screen, you will have four buttons at …

Here is how to fix if you are unable to update or install new apps from Apple AppStore on your iOS devices.

I first faced this problem when I upgraded my iOS operating system from iOS7 to iOS8. I was unable to update my apps, and I was even unable to download new apps from the App Store or from recent purchases. The first time, I thought this was because of slow Wi-Fi, but to no avail …

Write an iOS/iPadOS app code to transition from one screen to another.

There are instances when you want to transition or navigate from one UI screen to another by pressing a button. Yes, you can link the button visually by control-clicking on it and then linking it to the required UI Screen on the storyboard. But I will show you how you can do it programmatically with …

How to enable HTTP persistent or HTTP keep-alive connection feature for your WordPress website.

As Wikipedia explains: HTTP persistent connection, also called HTTP keep-alive or HTTP connection reuse, involves using a single TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests/responses instead of opening a new connection for every request/response pair. The newer SPDY protocol uses the same idea and extends it to allow multiple concurrent requests/responses to be …

How to hide the ‘Back’ button on the iOS/iPadOS App.

You want to hide this ‘Back’ button when you transition from one screen to the next, probably the detail view screen, where Xcode automatically puts this for you without asking if you want it. You can copy the below code to your ‘viewDidLoad’ method in your respective file: Objective-C Code: Swift Code: Hope it helps, …

How do you fix the iTunes Connect error ‘No identities are available for signing’? This error appears whenever you try to upload your iOS App binary from Xcode to iTunes Connect.

The issue of ‘No identities are available for signing’ starts with the default behaviour of Xcode when you create a new app in Xcode itself, You fill up the following information in Xcode while creating a new app for iOS, i.e. Product Name, Organisation Name, Company Identifier & it generates bundle identifier based on your …

How to reset Macintosh’s Finder App Preferences.

There are times when the OSX Finder starts acting weirdly, won’t obey your command, click, or tap, and you want to reset your Macintosh’s OSX Finder to its default setting to make it work as before, just like when you started your Mac for the first time. If you are using the latest Mac OSX …

How to reset Macintosh Finder App window size to default by deleting all folder windows and icon size settings stored in macOS’s default ‘DS_Store’ file.

I was wondering, after a long day of work with lots of browsing & navigating to ‘Finder’ files & folders, sizing resizing Finder windows continuously for almost last year & two, How do we reset the finder window size for all files and folders to OSX’s default size? Yes, you can do it with just …