What do CTR (click-through rate), CPC (cost per click), and RPM (page revenue per thousand impressions) mean in online advertising?

In today’s online advertising age, as an online publisher or advertiser, you will always come across jargon or terms like CTR, CPC, and page RPM. All the terms mentioned above help you understand the metrics you want to know before you can finalise & execute ‘Online Advertising’ campaigns. It also allows advertisers to make sound …

Fix Google PageSpeed Error ‘Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content’ for WordPress Website.

Here is how you may want to tune up your WordPress website performance, i.e., how long it takes to download your website from the server to your visitors’ computer, mobile or tablet. In the era of responsive design, we tend to embed more than one Javascript or CSS file, such as Bootstrap CSS and JS …

Google Analytics Audience Demographics Overview not showing, displaying, appearing any website traffic Data age & gender wise

There are a few things to consider to understand why Google Analytics is not showing any data under your website’s Demographics overview. First thing first:Please verify that your code is correctly implemented. Google Analytics states that it is ‘Receiving Data’ under the Admin’s Property tab.If your Analytics code is working and implemented correctly, you should …

How to enable Audience Demographics Overview by Age & Gender for your website domain’s Google Analytics Property

I will explain how to enable Audience Demographics Overview by Age & Gender, which will enable you to bifurcate your website traffic by age and gender. As Google Analytics help explains: Analytics now includes data on your users’ demographics (age, gender) and interests (affinity categories, other categories). You can analyze those data with two new …

Search Engine Optimisation for Title Tag & How it works & How it is crawled by Google, A lesson learned from my own portfolio website

Here is what I learned from Google’s Web Crawling algorithm over the years, For the last three to two years, I have used ‘Design Portfolio | Mandar Apte’ as my title tag for my personal design portfolio website’s homepage, i.e. ‘Page Name | Website Name’. This is nothing more than to explain to people that …

After creating WordPress subdomain multisite blog Adsense ads on subdomain blog doesn’t get registered & Data in Analytics & Adsense doesn’t match…

I have been using WordPress CMS for the last year or two & integrated Adsense ads & analytics without any errors or problems. But just after creating a WordPress Multi-Blog System with Subdomain, I started facing problems because my pages were not getting registered or Adsense ads clicks were not getting registered, so I was …