How College Drop Outs changed the Design itself

Just Today (i.e. 25th August 2011) after coming home I read the News through RSS feeds of respective companies…

The big News was, “Steve Jobs Resigns from Apple’s CEO Position”

First though come to my mind was, There will be no more Apple Keynote Events Starring Steve Jobs no more breath taking announcements or new product launch… he dominated style called Marketing like Steve Jobs, A Stetment like – ‘It Just Works!’, ‘And there is one more thing’

So I sat down & made one study about Charisma of these people from silicon Valley called Steve Jobs 7 Bill Gates. So, here is small study,

A college dropout like Steve jobs has contributed to design industry…

Steve Jobs – Apple CEO & Founder
After founding Apple in 1976, A company dedicated to create Personal Computer revolution with Apple 1, Apple 2 & Lisa & then reinventing personal computer with Macintosh at 1984 with Graphical User Interface was milestone for Personal Computing Revolution from which Designing on Computer started & took center stage.

Here is image of Steve Jobs with First Macintosh


After Returning to Apple on 1997 after gap of 17 years, apple’s product line with great Industrial design has evolved immensely with first iMac, iBooks, & Power Books. Today Apple Dominates Personal Computing era with their MacBook Pro, iMac & Mac Pro.

Today’s iMac Design is so immensely revolutionary that competitors can’t resist or even think beyond design of iMac’s Design

Here is iMac’s Design:


Here is Design of HP Omni copied from iMac’s Design:


After Launching iPhone & then iPad with great User Interface called MultiTouch that break all design rules & styles of current Tablet PCs’. This revolution of iPad again forced Apple’s competitors like HP & Samsung to just blindly copy Apple designs & standards just stay in market to compete with Apple.

Here iOS based Devices (iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch):


Here are the examples of iPad Design Copy by Samsung Galaxy Tab:


As I know a person behind great Industrial design of Apple is Jonathan Eve. But what if he has no support from his CEO, A CEO like Steve Jobs who likes micro detailing design & managing all the company as like as Jonathan would detailed the design of modern MacBook Pro & iMac or even MacBook Air.

Here is revolutionary design from Jonathan Eve for MacBook Air


Even iPod’s Designed is so much evolved after introduction of iPhone with iPod Touch

Apple Even support or run OpenSource project like WebKit that determining the future of website development for today & tomorrow.

Even Apple Software suites like iLife, iWork & Final Cut Pro has evolved so much that even designing from icons for Mac OSX is designer’s dream job. A job that designer likes or even common user enjoys after looking at highly designed & curated apple products & designs of applications of Mac OSX.

Steve Jobs contribution to Animation industry is made out of founding & supporting financially Pixar & make it grow to stabilize & revolutionaries animation industry with introduction of 3D Animation into it.

So form me the college drop out called Steve Jobs contribution to Design, Print, Web & Animation Industry is immense.

Now we will look at the contribution of Bill Gates to design industry from point of view of College Drop out

Bill Gates Microsoft Founder

Microsoft started it’s business with designing Applications for first Macintosh like Microsoft Excel & Microsoft Word.
But Bill Gate copied or took over the concept of Graphical User Interface with his Windows 95 & Windows 98. But reason of success behind Windows 95 was it’s availability of market at lower price that allowed customer to install windows on it’ machine through assembled computer. Even pirated market of Windows operating system is so immense that Microsoft also looses money from it.

Here is Original Macintosh User Interface:


Here is Mac OSX Lion Desktop:


Following are Windows revolved Desktop around Mac OSX:

Here is graphical User interface of Windows 95:


& Here is Graphical User Interface of  Windows 7


Decision all yours about deciding contribution to design industry from this people, As it is more important that who had first idea & visualized today’s personal computer in the era of 80’ than second person attempting to just copy from it & make it clone in working through windows. I had experience of how Windows copy or can’t resist to copy from Mac OSX line up even today.

Thanks & Regards
Mandar Apte

Published by Mandar Apte

Mandar is a Mumbai-based multi-disciplinary designer with UX/UI, Logo, Symbol, and Brand Identity design expertise. He currently runs his Mudrkashar Linguistic Apple iPhone, iPad, and Mac app business in the heart of Mumbai city.

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