Here is how to fix if you are unable to update or install new apps from Apple AppStore on your iOS devices.

I first faced this problem when I upgraded my iOS operating system from iOS7 to iOS8. I was unable to update my apps, and I was even unable to download new apps from the App Store or from recent purchases. The first time, I thought this was because of slow Wi-Fi, but to no avail …

Write an iOS/iPadOS app code to transition from one screen to another.

There are instances when you want to transition or navigate from one UI screen to another by pressing a button. Yes, you can link the button visually by control-clicking on it and then linking it to the required UI Screen on the storyboard. But I will show you how you can do it programmatically with …

How to hide the ‘Back’ button on the iOS/iPadOS App.

You want to hide this ‘Back’ button when you transition from one screen to the next, probably the detail view screen, where Xcode automatically puts this for you without asking if you want it. You can copy the below code to your ‘viewDidLoad’ method in your respective file: Objective-C Code: Swift Code: Hope it helps, …

How do you fix the iTunes Connect error ‘No identities are available for signing’? This error appears whenever you try to upload your iOS App binary from Xcode to iTunes Connect.

The issue of ‘No identities are available for signing’ starts with the default behaviour of Xcode when you create a new app in Xcode itself, You fill up the following information in Xcode while creating a new app for iOS, i.e. Product Name, Organisation Name, Company Identifier & it generates bundle identifier based on your …

How to detect user is using iPad or iPhone for iOS App at run time conditional coding purposes

At runtime, you want to detect whether the user is on an iPad or an iPhone for conditional coding purposes. One requirement is to find the device’s screen size on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Another way to do it is to write different code, i.e., conditional code per device, whether it be an …

How do you add a button beside the back button, which is usually required in the details view of the table or UI View Controller of your iOS app for your Apple Xcode Project?

It always occurs when you are using the table view controller in your iOS Xcode project & when you navigate from the table view cell to the detail view of your app in the storyboard on the iOS Simulator or the actual device, the ‘Back,’ button Appears at the top left. What if you want …

How programmatically change the global Tint Colour of your iOS App in the Xcode project. i.e. Changing all UIBarButtonItems tint colours at once.

You may wonder how to programmatically change the global Tint Colour of your iOS App in the Xcode project. i.e. Changing all UIBarButtonItems tint colours at once Without selecting every single button & changing the tint for every single one & for the buttons added after that. Here is the solution. As simple as a …

How to add four or more UIBarButtonitem at navigation bar with custom image through code?

I assume you have gone through an earlier article related to this topic called: How to add four or more navigation bar buttons in your iOS App XCode Project Background:Now you will be wondering how you can add a fourth button to the navigation bar of your iOS app with a custom image through code …

How to add four or more navigation bar buttons in your iOS App XCode Project

I assume that you have added a navigation controller through Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller in the xib (or formally nib) file in your XCode Projects’ Storyboard Problem:For example, you have added an Action button for Tweet Sheet on the Left, a Menu button on the right, and a Title button in the …

Checking the ‘.plist’ file for errors and bugs. This post will help you when you want to add or edit data inside the .plist file, which gives an error message: ‘The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.’

Suppose you are from the iOS Design and development community. In that case, you may already be familiar with using Apple’s list, i.e. Property List file functionality, whereby you store your data in an XML file type (Apple’s list file format). Adding 1,000 lines of code in the list file is painful, so what you …