Programmatically change the titles of tabs in UITabBarViewController. Change the title of the Navigation Bar for each UITabBarViewController.

Let’s assume you use Tab Bar View Controller in your Xcode Project. You have embedded in your view controller with UITabBarViewController. Say you are using 3 Tab Views. In Swift programming Language, number counting starts with 0, so you will write code like this in your respective view controller’s viewDidLoad function.

Change < Back button text of iOS or iPadOS App.

While we use app development methodologies like MVC (Model, View, Controller), we encounter problems navigating from one view to another. How do you change the text of the back button, which gets populated automatically by the Apple iOS operating system? You can use the below method in the viewDidLoad method of your root view: Here …

Identify whether a user is on an iPhone or iPad and whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode.

We will explore ways to identify the user’s iPad or iPhone device. With the latest Xcode build, we will do all this in Swift Programming Language. iOS devices will be identified in four ways: .phone, .pad, .tv & .unspecified. So the code will look like this in swift Code for iOS 13, iPadOS 13, macOS …

Using SKStoreReviewController API to prompt users to write reviews for your App.

Introduction to StoreKit and Apple App Store policies I will write down a few concepts & ideas to help you understand how to implement StoreKit app review functionality in your app using Xcode. Important Points to Remember You can ask your users to rate your app on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. Users …

Colour Behaviour Study of Japan / True Black on Real Life Physical Paper & on Computer Displays or Screens

I am now documenting some thoughts about black colour behaviour on Physical Paper & computer displays or screens. I was from a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) – Applied Art background, so we had subjects like Illustration, Calligraphy, Typography, Print Media Design, Logo & Symbol Design, Branding & Identity Design. We used to design our …

Identify the iPhone or iPad model programmatically using Swift Language.

You may be programming a Universal App for iPhone, iPad, or iPad Pro and wondering how to write conditional code for those variant iOS device sizes. So here is how to write code by identifying the device height of your display or frame. Here is how to solve this situation by identifying device height, Note:This …

Call function from FirstViewController to SecondViewController using Swift Programming Language.

Here is the situation in your Xcode project where you want to call a method from another class Swift file to your original class of Swift file. Let’s call your original swift class file ‘FirstViewController’, which has ‘UIViewController’ as a superclass. The second swift that you want to call a function from, we will assume …

What does the Trust this Computer functionality mean, and what if you accidentally tapped on Don’t Trust this Computer and want to reset it?

What do trust settings mean to your iOS & macOS device When you connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a computer for the first time, an alert asks whether you want to trust this computer or not. Relationships of Trusted Devices:

Fix Xcode error ‘Unable to boot iOS Simulator’

Background: Xcode is a one-stop development app for OSX and iOS devices, including all Macintosh Desktops, laptops, iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch. Note: I Assume you are on OSX Yosemite 10.10.3 or the Latest Operating System & Xcode 6 or later installed. With the release of Xcode 6 and later, while developing and running your …

Fix the Xcode Storyboard error. The ‘Frame for “Text View” will be different at run time.’

The Xcode error called ‘Frame for “Text View” will be different at run time.’ is frequent when you are trying to utilise Auto Layout by using reset to suggested constraints in Xcode Storyboard. So here is how to fix it: Step 01:Above Debug: In your Xcode Storyboard view screen, you will have four buttons at …