Using Google Public DNS for IPv4 & IPv6 to speed up internet browsing, A resource for Web Designers, Developers & Internet Surfers in General

As Wikipedia explains, The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most prominently, it translates easily memorised domain names to the numerical IP addresses …

How to Enable & Disable Receiving WordPress Admin E Mail Notifications? Here is how?

I have just received an e-mail notification that my WordPress installation has been automatically upgraded to 3.7.1 SUBJECT:[Your Website Name] Your site has updated to WordPress 3.7.1 E-MAIL MESSAGE:Howdy! Your site at has been updated automatically to WordPress 3.7.1.No further action is needed on your part. For more on version 3.7.1, see the About …

How do you put comments in .php, .html, and .css files to declare? Remind third-party developers and designers of the code’s explanation.

Different ways of putting comments per file type on the World Wide Web exist. Comments help the code developer explain quickly to third-party developers, designers, users, or even himself why he used that line of code and what function it performs in that web application. So it is convenient to know how to put comments …

Pages not working after installing or activating WordPress Multisite i.e WP MU

Here is the solution to this problem: when you activate wp mu on your single domain, i.e. you add a subdomain through WordPress MultiSite, suddenly your pages are not showing up, and it is through the ‘404 Not Found’ Error… First thing you have to do is navigate to:

After creating WordPress subdomain multisite blog Adsense ads on subdomain blog doesn’t get registered & Data in Analytics & Adsense doesn’t match…

I have been using WordPress CMS for the last year or two & integrated Adsense ads & analytics without any errors or problems. But just after creating a WordPress Multi-Blog System with Subdomain, I started facing problems because my pages were not getting registered or Adsense ads clicks were not getting registered, so I was …

Open Source Applications for Artists in Simple Language Free Tools & Applications for Artists for Complete Digital Studio Setup

Following are the applications that are open source that means free tools available to an artist to built his studio without any monetary investment In short, “Open Source Tools & Applications for Artists for Complete Digital Studio Setup…!!!” Yes! You have to buy your computer hardware first. You can buy Macintosh, HP & Dell based …